Ever since news of Robin William's suicide has struck heated debates and arguments all over social media and the news, I have been reminded of what I attempted to do, and what dear family and friends have done. Most of what I hear on Facebook and on various blogs seems to hurt these thoughts and feelings more than help, and it is not too hard to see why. Many people (especially those who consider themselves Christian or at least spiritual) have taken the exact opposite side of what the mainstream media has done, and while I certainly see the validity of many of their points, I generally feel it is in a rather spiteful and contentious tone.
Being a "survivor" and knowing a few others, as well as many who have experienced the depths of depression and the gulfs of despair that for some reason suicide seems to temporarily fill, the last thing we need is more hate and hopelessness. Yes, we should avoid suicide and prevent it, and yes, we do always have the choice, whether it feels like it or not, but we do not need to be calloused and heartless about the matter! Think, what would Christ do? Do you really think that He would guilt, shame, and scold those who are suffering depression and considering suicide? Because many people seem to think He would by how they are saying their opinions.
In fact, I have not even heard Christ's name through out most of these debates, and that is just wrong! He DIED for us, so that we could conquer death. How cool is that? Robin Williams, as well as my uncle, and my friend who all committed suicide, despite it being a poor choice, will live again! Isn't that beautiful? They will not only live again, but they will not suffer the same thoughts and feelings that they did here on earth. Wow! Doesn't that just inspire you? Isn't that what we ought to be talking about, as Christians and believers? Instead of focusing on the sad choice that they did do, and condemning them for it, praise God for His wonderful plan that allows us to live again! Instead of spreading gossip of the gruesome details of his demise, let us look to Christ with a hope, a faith that even though we do not understand how, His plan will work out. We should not celebrate his death, nor anyone's, but we need to remember that there is ALWAYS hope. There is always a choice, but if we do not spread our Savior's Gospel then we are telling everyone they have a choice but with holding what the best one is.
I believe suicidal thoughts can be overcome, because I believe that our Savior Jesus Christ has conquered them. It may not be immediate. It will likely be an uphill battle, where every inch of ground must be purchased with sweat and tears. There will be times we will feel completely alone, but we are not. That is the true difference between faith and fear, the same events happen, but those with faith have the hope that Christ is behind them, helping us on our way. Just because we have faith does not make the fight easier, it simply helps us see the worth of it. One of my favorite quotes of all time is someone saying "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."
Those who are depressed and feeling the inky black pits of hell, you are not alone. You have many who love and care for you. I promise, MANY. You are a worthwhile human being that can contribute to society and help people out. You can touch hearts and make smiles out of people that NO ONE ELSE can. Suicide will not take away your pain, it will merely transfer it to those who love you, which as I said before, are many. Pray, my dear friend, pray that you might be able to see that this struggle is worthwhile. Pray that you might understand more clearly your Heavenly Father's plan for you, that you might see that there is a Christ who has overcome all things, especially death. He loves you. I know this because I have felt it.
I pointed a Smith and Wesson Model 19 .357 magnum revolver at myself with intent pull that trigger. I was going to end it all. I was done, there seemed nothing left to me and my worth. It seemed that I had exhausted all that I thought I was good for, and so ending it seemed to be the next logical step. But as I held that gun to my head, something happened. There was no vision, not even a warmth or a feeling, just the feeling of killing myself was gone. It has been a rough battle since, and I have slid down hill many times. It feels like a never-ending circle of fighting depression and succumbing to it. It is tough, and I can only imagine how those who have it worse feel, but I also know that one day this will not be a problem anymore. That day may not very well come until the next life, but I know it, and I could not have survived this long without it.
To those who are considering suicide, remember there are other options. Always. People really do care about you more than you think, and there are many tools to help you, both spiritual and physical. Please do not be afraid to ask for the help you need. It is scary, and really quite nerve racking, but it is worth it, I promise.
Here is a link to the suicide prevention website. it has people who can help you.
Here is a link to some folks who would love to hear your story and tell you how much God loves you and what His plan for you is:
And finally, to those who have friends or family who are struggling with these thoughts and feelings, you can help. Do not police or pamper them, but continue being a friend. Do not pry them open, but listen when they talk to you about it. Listening is probably the most helpful thing you can do, and do not judge them. Everyone is different, and getting used to the situation will take time and some trial and error, but never be afraid to tell them how much they mean to you. Even if/when you get uncomfortable when they start talking about their feelings, continue to listen, and only give advice if they ask you. Refer them to help. Love them. You have a beautiful ability to be a true friend. Do not waste this opportunity, it may have fatal consequences. Remember you are loved, and trusted.
Remember that we are all in this together. Lets stop with the hate and the spite, there is enough of that around without us helping it. Let us be true Christians to one another, and helping one another get through our various and complex issues.